Hi Anthony, I just got the art. All perfect. Thank you very much. We will continue doing business. You are invited to a good wine. Greetings from Spain.
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J.J. Kirby
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DC Video Game Character Design Art - Tech - Ink On Tracing Paper
J.J. Kirby
Female Hero Designs Ink On Tracing Paper
J.J. Kirby
Heaven Pencil Character Design Art
J.J. Kirby
Armored Guy Pencil Design Art
J.J. Kirby
2pc Greek Archer Ink Drawing With Pencil Prelim
J.J. Kirby
6pc Pencil Model Sheets - Anatomy of Different Builds
J.J. Kirby
Aggressive Mystical Bear Drawing
J.J. Kirby
Ares & Medusa Pencil & Ink Prelim
J.J. Kirby
Ares & Medusa Pencil Prelim (B)
J.J. Kirby
Ares Tight Pencil Drawing
J.J. Kirby
Babe Sketch With Figures 2pc
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - A
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - B - Falling, Hol...
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - C - Shock Punch,...
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - D - Idle, Flexin...
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - E - Battle-Ready...
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - F - Stand To Hol...
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - G - Hit With Bri...
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - H - Grabbing, Ca...
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - I - Blocking
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - J - Swiping, Clu...
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - K - Swinging
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - L - Jump, Piledr...
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - M - Picking Up B...
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - N - Launching Ha...
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - O - Running, Wal...
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - P - Punching, Fi...
J.J. Kirby
Cyborg Animation Storyboard Pose/Motion Pencil Art - Q - Hold, Drop, ...
J.J. Kirby