Hi Anthony, I just got the art. All perfect. Thank you very much. We will continue doing business. You are invited to a good wine. Greetings from Spain.
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Tom Mandrake
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Batman & Robin - Pencil Art - Signed
Tom Mandrake
Spectre - Ink Art - Signed
Tom Mandrake
Archie VS Predator II #5 Cover Art - Signed - 2020
Tom Mandrake
Christopher Lee Dracula Commission - Signed
Tom Mandrake
Batwoman #? p.7 - Batwoman Swoops In - Signed
Tom Mandrake
Batwoman #? p.8 - Batwoman Investigates Shady Excavation - Signed
Tom Mandrake
Martian Manhunter #19 p.2 - Hawkgirl JSA - Signed - 2000
Tom Mandrake
Marvel Comics #1001 Kid Colt 'Moving On' One Page Story - 2019
Tom Mandrake
Martian Manhunter #18 p.14 - All Star JSA - 2000
Issue: 18, Page: 14
Tom Mandrake
Martian Manhunter #19 p.22 - All JSA - Signed - 2000
Tom Mandrake
Swamp Thing Giant #5 p.1 - Swamp Thing Splash - Signed - 2020
Tom Mandrake
Pathfinder Worldscape Lord of The Jungle Cover Art Signed by Tom Mand...
Tom Mandrake
Swamp Thing: Ghost Light p.2 - Signed
Tom Mandrake
Batman Commission - Signed
Tom Mandrake
Firestorm #99 p.17 / 23 - Parasite vs. Killer Frost - 1990
Tom Mandrake
Carlos Garzon
Firestorm #99 p.18 / 24 - Parasite vs. Killer Frost - Firestorm App -...
Tom Mandrake
Carlos Garzon
Firestorm #99 p.20 / 26 - Parasite vs. Firestorm - 1990
Tom Mandrake
Carlos Garzon
Firestorm #99 p.21 / 29 - Firestorm defeats Parasite & Saves Killer F...
Tom Mandrake
Carlos Garzon
Firestorm #99 p.30 - Brimstone End Page Splaah - 1990
Tom Mandrake
Carlos Garzon
Firestorm #99 p.19 / 25 - All Action - 1990
Tom Mandrake
Carlos Garzon
Firestorm #99 p.16 - Action - 1990
Tom Mandrake
Carlos Garzon
Martian Manhunter #3 p.18 - Action Splash - 1999
Tom Mandrake
Animal Man #39 p.10 - Animal Maan with the Powers of a Wolf - 1991
Tom Mandrake
Dick Giordano
Anno Dracula #5 Variant Cover - 2017 Signed
Tom Mandrake
The Fear Index pg.2 (The Multiverse Who Laughs #1) - Batman Surreal S...
Tom Mandrake
Convergence Suicide Squad #1 p.14 - Star Saphire Splash - 2015 Signed
Tom Mandrake
Convergence Suicide Squad #2 p.11 - Cyborg Superman Action - 2015 Sig...
Tom Mandrake
Convergence Suicide Squad #2 p.13 - Cyborg Superman vs. Star Sapphire...
Tom Mandrake