Mike R, Cherry Hill NJ)
"I've been waiting 30 years to find an art dealer as good to work with as you are Anthony,thanks a lot!"
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Jack Tippit
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Henry Strip 2/26/1983 - Angry Alarm Clock
Jack Tippit
Rodeo Cowboy Getting Buched - Ft Worth
Jack Tippit
Deer Crossing 6 Panel
Jack Tippit
Army Hardship Discharge - 1940's
Jack Tippit
Doctor / Nurse Gag - w/ Published Panel
Jack Tippit
High Jump Gag - 6 x 10
Jack Tippit
Babe Visiting Prisoner Gag - w/ TS
Jack Tippit
Bedtime Story Gag - (8.5 x 11
Jack Tippit
Early Bird Gets the Worm Gag (8.5 x 11
Jack Tippit
Food Camping Gag - (8 x 7
Jack Tippit
Kid / Parent TV Gag - (8.5 x 11
Jack Tippit
Kid Cooking Gag - Published in Family Circle 1986
Jack Tippit
Kid Eating Brussels Sprouts (8.5 x 11
Jack Tippit
Kid Grocery Shopping Gag - 8.5 x 11
Jack Tippit
Kid in Trouble Gag - 1980's
Jack Tippit
Kid on Phone Coffee Gag - (8.5 x 11')
Jack Tippit
Kid Squirt Gun Lemonade - 8.5 x 11
Jack Tippit
Kid Swimming Gag - (8.5 x 11
Jack Tippit
Mommy Cat Gag / Kids - (8.5 x 11
Jack Tippit
Pregnant Dog Gag / Kid - (8.5 x 11
Jack Tippit
Shaggy Dog Gag - Published in Family Circle 1985
Jack Tippit
Sick / Bankruptcy Gag (8.5 x 11
Jack Tippit
Dad Getting Water for Kid Gag Snoopy - (7 x 8
Jack Tippit
Hangover Lampshade Gag - 8.5 x 11
Jack Tippit
Messy Kids Gag - Signed
Jack Tippit
Prisoner Escape Gag - w/ TS (5 x 7
Jack Tippit
Psychiatrist Gag - w/ TS (8.5 x 11)
Jack Tippit